
Showing posts from May, 2005


Another FO. This is Cleo from Knitty. I used Schaefer Laurel (I think this is my fav yarn right now). The color is great. Too bad the model is not. I still need to put in the elastic so it will fit better at the high waist. I really like this pattern. I think I will defo make it again but with a little more coverage over my sagging you-know-whats :) This is Cleo 

Fabulous Shrug

This is a really simple shrug that both Lani and I made out of Waikiki. Another project that I did while I was trying to figure out what to do next. I don't have any big projects planned right now, but I have some gorgeous yarn coming in the mail - {must get to mailbox before husband}. This shrug feels so light and airy. The pics do not do it justice. It is hella cute. Fabulous Shrug 2  Here is a close up of the waikiki knitted in garter stitch on 10.5's. It's hard to see here, but I love the little nubbies in it and the colors are all the rage, don't ya know. waikiki up close  Fabulous Shrug 

Ouch !

I regret to inform myself that I need to stop knitting so much - NEVER !!! I am getting severe shoulder and neck pain and I think it's from knitting. Ohhhh, the horror of it all. Doc appointment tomorrow to get this all straightened out - uh huh. This is a pic of a crazy poncho that I crocheted up while trying to decide what to make next. No, no, no I can't rest. I have to knit even when I don't know what to make next. The crazy ribbon is some crap that I cannot even pronounce - Gerifil Filati Fantasia. It is wild! But should be cute with jeans and a tank. What isn't cute with jeans and a tank?? Crazy Poncho 

Love, Peace, Flowers

I have not posted in over a week as I was in a class all last week and did not have full access to the internet and all. I was in a Linux Troubleshooting class. Does anyone know what that is ??? Does anyone give a flying freak of the week ?? Anyways, I finished this sweater from Knit 1 mag. It was made of Schaefer Laurel yarn that I got from Adela's in Castro Valley. I LOVE that yarn. It has great consistency and comes in beatiful colors. Susan in Knit One sweater  And my beautiful SIL to be is wearing it and and *HAD* to have it so it was given to her. She looked great in it and I was happy that someone liked one of my creations. It's the same feeling as when a good cook gets compliments on a meal. Uh huh, same thang! I REALLY want to make another few of these, but I have soooo many other things that I also want to make. What's a knitter to do ....??? I crocheted this little flower to put on the lapel of the sweater or in the hair or wherever... It'nt it cu...

The Affliction

This is a pic of a crocheted shrug that I made last week. I really like it. I know I need a new model, but it does the job for me in that it hides the MANY flaws that afflict my body. No, I am not really fat, but the wicked witch of the south keeps tugging on me to join her ranks. I have to beat her down ! front of shrug  In this pic I actually pulled my pants down below my ass so that I would not have lumps and bumps. HA HA Oh me ... back of shrug  Tonight I am also working on a tie front shrug (#3) from Knit 1 magazine. Looks really easy. I have some pretty Schaefer cotton yarn. I LOVE that yarn!! I am neglecting finishing the last panel of the HPL shrug. I am also neglecting a tank top (knit) and a belt (crochet). They will magically appear one day is what I'm thinking ...

How Pretty, Love

This weekend I got a chance to work on the hairpin lace shrug from the Berocco catalog. It is really beautiful (in the catalog) - don't know what mine will turn out to be... Each panel has 186 loops per side and three loops hooked to each panel. It is wonderful watching this THING come together. I love the HPL look. Here are the first five panels crocheted together. I think it might turn out to be quiet beautimous after all. I have only one more panel to go before I can finish it up and be done. What the hell am I waiting for ?? Five panels on my first hairpin lace shrug  Here is the finished product. I have actually worn it and washed it and THEN took this picture. It washed well. I don't normally like to wash my projects - I know dumb, but I get scared! But I partied like it was 1999 in this shrug last Friday and it it got a little dirty - from what, I don't freaking know. But it shrunk a little and I actually like the fit better now. I love this pattern. It ...