Love, Peace, Flowers

I have not posted in over a week as I was in a class all last week and did not have full access to the internet and all. I was in a Linux Troubleshooting class. Does anyone know what that is ??? Does anyone give a flying freak of the week ?? Anyways, I finished this sweater from Knit 1 mag. It was made of Schaefer Laurel yarn that I got from Adela's in Castro Valley. I LOVE that yarn. It has great consistency and comes in beatiful colors.

Susan in Knit One sweater Posted by Hello

And my beautiful SIL to be is wearing it and and *HAD* to have it so it was given to her. She looked great in it and I was happy that someone liked one of my creations. It's the same feeling as when a good cook gets compliments on a meal. Uh huh, same thang! I REALLY want to make another few of these, but I have soooo many other things that I also want to make. What's a knitter to do ....???

I crocheted this little flower to put on the lapel of the sweater or in the hair or wherever... It'nt it cute ?? LOVE LOVE those colors

Crocheted flower Posted by Hello

The pattern is from the Berocco book...


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