68 Rows

Ha Ha Ha Ha. Haaaaaaaa. I will never finish this gosh darn shawl at this rate. I think 68 rows is alot of rows, but do you think this shawl is anywhere CLOSE to being done. It could be a shawl for the back of my hand right now.

This is 68 freaking rows.  Posted by Hello


Alison said…
That is going to be beautiful!
Anonymous said…
You're doing better than I am. I started the flower basket shawl in navy wool/silk lace yarn, and have so far frogged it five times. I now have 17 rows and it needs to be frogged again. It's sitting in my knitting basked until I can look at it again. Right now, I am ready to drop-kick it into the middle of next Thursday.

Yours is lovely, btw.

ShelbyD said…
Wow, I don't think I'd have the patience. It looks really good so far.
Joan said…
But it's gorgeous! All good things take time.

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