
Showing posts from March, 2005


Don't know why I have been afraid to start this cardigan. Maybe because it will be one of my longer term projects. So, I just picked up the needles and started casting on. Did that hurt me?? not a bit. Liked it even. I am using Deco Ribbon in a red/brown/orangy shade. Kinda fall-ish, but it might not be done til then :) The ribbon knits up pretty stretchy. I have the gauge ok . I just hope it fits me ok. Am working the back first. I might have to follow different measurements for the sleeves. I received the rest of the yarn needed to make the fringe on the Floral Mini Poncho and some of the same yarn in it's virgin state (whitish) that I might use to crochet one of the loop-d-loop ponchos. Loop-d-loop poncho. A Teva Durham creation 

Ain't no sunshine

On Saturday, I got a new recruit, Lani. I am SUPER-EXCITED about teaching her to knit. She is very excited to to knit the shawl pattern that I got from K2 Yarn Salon in Tracy, CA made of Berrocco Suede. She chose a tan color. Mine is lavender. Lavender Berocco Suede shawl  Tan Berocco Suede shawl  Did not get to knit much on Sunday. A day without knitting is like a day without sunshine...

Take a hike and shrug it off

I finished the shrug last night and got a lot of compliments on it at Kathy's PR function at Baird's Landing. That was a fun event. Ignore the ugly mug. That chest in the background is full of yarn !! hee hee .... Kinda cute shrug Also, finished the Floral Mini Poncho. It needs blocking and fringe. Waiting for more yarn... Floral Mini Poncho (sans fringe) Am going to start on the Irish Hiking Scarf. Very excited about that. Lots o cabling ... The Irish hiking scarf... will I ever finish ?? 

Mar 24

I stopped crocheting the StitchDiva Floral Mini Poncho with the 100% rayon *expensive* yarn - so mad at myself! It just was not working out. I restarted the poncho with some heavy worsted weight yarn that I got from ebay. THAT yarn is great. and it is making up the poncho just beautfiully. A little bright, but the pattern stitches are showing up nicely. I love crocheting this poncho. Lots of ttc's and the petals are looking good to me !!! I will post pics later. I would like to crochet this up in a tan - like the picture Need to find some nice heavy wool or cotton to do that. Need to find a good knitting project... There is a sweater in Hip To Knit. That i think I might start on... we'll see.

Mar 23

So, here is the picture of the shrug I've been working on. Finished it last night. Also took pics of all of the projects that I have not given away :) for prosterity. Will try to finish up the Stitch Diva Floral Mini Poncho today. I have frogged this once because I thought I was making it incorrectly. It is turning out smaller than I thought - even after restarting. I think that I will try this with a less slippery yarn next time. I paid alot for this yarn, damnit! and it's beautiful (Great Adirondack Yarn Co.), but it twists and is very slippery. A cotton I think would be better for this pattern.

Mar 22

Last night I worked on my shrug. I am about 4 balls into it. It's a bulky weight yarn (name?), but I am only about 4 inches from completion. I just found this fabulous poncho on The lacy rose poncho, but the reviews of if say that there are alot of mistakes. Dare I attempt?? I have too many things I want to make and not enuf time. I want to finish both my shrug and the StitchDiva poncho by Saturday. The StitchDiva poncho, I think might turn out a little small, though. arghh!!!! Needs pattern size adjustments.... oh me..... Might see if she'll send them to me. I have to return the Stich N Bitch book to the library today. Not sure if I want to buy it yet... Have the Urban Knitter waiting for me there. Anxious to check it out ...

Mar 21

Today is the first day of my blog. I quit smoking on Oct. 11, 2004. I am 162 days quit and I started knitting to serve the needs of my busy hands. I actually knit and crochet, but only since 10/11/2004. I have done tons of scarfs and ponchos and hate myself for not taking pics of all of them for the blog. And I have given alot away so I may never get pics of those. I will start though. I am currently working on a shrug (knit) and a poncho (crochet) from a pattern that I purchased from Stich Diva.

Mar 20

Berrocco Tank This poncho is much more beautiful in person. Made of Colinette Peaches and Cream mohair and Zanziba. This poncho cost too much money to make really :) Put I liked knitting it and it is pretty in person Close up of Colinette Mohair and Zanziba (Peaches and cream)